Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Holidays Shmolidays

Why am I okay with Christmas but not Valentine's Day?  Why do I enjoy Independence Day and Thanksgiving but could do without Halloween and... um... Memorial Day? My cousin hates Christmas; my family's never done anything for minor holidays (Labor Day, etc.).  I took off of work for Friday and Monday; I worked today (26th), but I'm taking Thursday off to be with the family (staying in Alexandria).  I work Friday and Monday, and get Tuesday off and then work normally Weds-Fri. Random, I know.

Gabe said tonight at dinner that, along with my musings about breathing out of my hair (ask if you want to know), I also used to wonder, "What if our brains were in our toes?"  ... the thought being that if we stubbed our toes, we would die.  Where's Nick Burns when you need to have a good hypothetical conversation? (Irony alert-- a rhetorical question about a hypothetical situation.)  This came up because I asked a hypothetical question that had been deemed ridiculous.  I don't remember what it was.

Yesterday I realized that I look down on Yankees and Patriots fans because they have such an easy job.  Their team wins all the time.  But then I realized that I am a diehard Carolina basketball fan.  Even worse, I suppose.  "Judge not, so you're not judged... The same measure you use will be used to measure to you..." etc. etc.

Tomorrow we're going to see "My Fair Lady" at the Kennedy Center. I'm excited; always loved the musical; recently I enjoyed the written play by Bernard Shaw; and who doesn't love to see a musical on stage?  And Saturday I'm going to see "Spamalot," if I can find somebody to take the other $50 ticket.  It'll be worth it, I promise!! Come with me!!  Also planning on going ice skating on Saturday; hopefully I won't hurt myself.

Is it okay to say "Merry Christmas" when it's not actually Christmas?  I have a hard time doing it. Well, really, the problem for me is more about saying "Happy New Year" when it's still 2007.  Why don't we say it all year long? January 1 is just one day out of 366 in 2008 (yerp-- leap year!)  And why the heck did God make there be 365.25 days per year so we have to have an extra day every 4 years??? Weird. God is so weird and so smart.  SO SMART.  That's my favorite thing about going to the zoo and about studying biology.

I have a theory about praise.  I think we praise God's characteristic that we like about ourselves.  Let me put that a wee more eloquently.  What we appreciate most about God is what we admire in ourselves.  I think I'm relatively intelligent; I can write a damn good essay and I can converse on a number of topics with a more diverse vocabulary than most 22 year olds. And because of that, I believe, I think I praise God's intelligence more than anything else.  I love his beauty and his goodness and his bigness and his love, but I really appreciate his brains. It's so much MORE than mine; he's so much more than I.

I pity the skeptics.  They're missing more than they'll ever know.

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